Give all your Tape the tagup Treatment

No time? We will do all the work for you! Transfer your Uncut Footage into tagup's Efficient Viewing Experience

Didn't use tagupCam, want us to do it for you?

90 minutes of softball, compressed into 10-12.

tagupTransfer adds another level of flexibility for users, allowing game footage shot outside of tagupCam to be transferred into the tagup ecosystem. Upload your game tape to tagup, and we'll break down your game, pitch by pitch, into complete at bats, giving you the ability to create custom playlists, add coaching notes, and share them with players. If you're looking to optimize all of your game film, old or new, tagupTransfer is the answer.




Action Camera

Video File

Want to recapture a game, pitch by pitch, after the fact yourself?

Purchase the tagupCapture Extension

You need to buy this extension in order to review it.